Museo de Historia
Alegoría de Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duque de Wellington
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Alegoría de Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duque de Wellington
Anterior a 1820
País de abanico.
"THE VICTORY of SALAMANCA. HARK! the deep mouth´d cannon`s sound / Tells the list´ning world around, / MARMONT´S vanquish`d! VICTORY´s won! / By our glorious WELLINGTON. / MARMONT in numbers proud and strong, / Drove the fierce tide of war along, / to crush on SALAMANCA´s plain, / At one great blow the hopes of Spain! / Bore down whole squardrons horse & man. / And now in mangled heaps they lie. / Cursing their TYRANT, ere they die. / Who dragged them from their native plain, / To perish for his cause in SPAIN! / Next morn our Victory complete, The Eagles saw at WELLESLEYS feet, / All the proud LEADERS of the FOE / Are captives, woundedor laid low! / 22.eme REG.t DE LIGNE / NAPOLEON / 62eme REGIMEN[T] / NAPOLEO[N] / VITTORIA / THE VICTORY OF VITTORIA. / BRITONS attend! with loud acclaim / ler joyful thousands spead the name / Let Exultation spead the name / Of Englands noble pride! / When in Vittoria´s trembling vale / Rose the bold heroes of my tale: / They fly to arms! the banners wave / And Wellington leads on the brave! / The British soldier firmly strides, / Where´er his lov´d commander guides, / o Wellington! for tire my lire / Vittoria´s matchless triumph tells! / See! the richest crown of glory / Beaming on the Warrior´s head! / France shall tell them the dreadfull story, / How Vittoria´s heroes bled, / While Spanish hills and Vallies ring, / Blessing England´s Prince and King! / Pub.d as the Act Directs by J. Lauriere St James´s Street Ent.r at Stationer Hall".
Ed. J. Lauriere
Cobre, aguafuerte y aguatinta, e iluminado.
26 x 46 cm.
Núm Inventario:
Inv. 4671
